Rebrand yourself?

Recently I read something somewhere (that’s as good as it gets these days “something somewhere” – welcome to my 50ish mind!) about “rebranding one’s style”. I enjoy marketing and style so the phrase caught my attention and has bouncing around my mind ever since so it’s time to unpack it.

My initial reaction to one “rebranding” oneself was a good solid eye roll with a coordinated grumble under my breath. I don’t like the show of life, instead real living and the term felt like packing. If something is not selling it gets rebranded. No thanks.

Yesterday, I dropped 2 of my 3 kids at college a few hours away. It was bittersweet and frustrating and good and sad all together. I’m exhausted. We were greeted at home with a 5 minute raucous from our chocolate Labrador and our daughter quickly changed and went to unwind solo. The house was quiet. I usually love a quiet house, but the thought of it always being quiet now is a new thing. I am not sure I like it. Oh I miss those boys already and the sadness becomes a reality. My mind winds up…..why do I have this house if the boys aren’t here? How do I shop? Do I have to cook? Can we live on cereal and chocolate now? Who is going to move furniture and carry heavy stuff for me? What is going to occupy the time and silence? How do I parent ALL adults? Who am I? What can I be now?

Dunkin’ Donuts rebranded to Dunkin’. Everyone knew what they stood for so the they no longer needed it in their name and at the same time allows them to expand their potential. They stayed true to who they were but upgraded their packaging to allow for upgrades and remain relevant. It is fresh and has been working well for them.

The Bible teaches about being transformed by the renewing of you mind. (Romans 12:2) The focus is more inward instead of appearance like in rebranding. Give a dog a treat and it will instantly change his mood and the appearance naturally changes. Transforming and renewing are the goals of rebranding.

It is a Becoming.

I had a spiritual director who often asked, “Are you the same person you were 30, 50, 90 days ago?” followed with “The answer should always be No.” She challenged us to always be growing. If we are renewing our mind daily then we are growing and should look more like Christ. Honestly, some days I see huge growth in my faith from where I’ve been and others I feel the same as I was 30, 60, 90 days ago. I am not proud of that but I can give myself grace to accept it and inch forward. I am BECOMING.

Yes, I think I’d rather BECOME than Rebrand. Become who? Become what? I’m not sure yet and I think that is okay too. At my core, I am me and will stay true to me. My systems, schedules, focus are shifting. No more bag lunch, sports practices and games. The house is oddly quiet and maybe it will stay cleaner? It is time to spend more energy on me, time to renew and transform.

I will have more pockets of time to write. Join me on the journey.

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